Cboe Connectivity Services Agreement


The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) Connectivity Services Agreement is a critical component of CBOE`s system that allows traders and brokers to access CBOE`s trading platform. The agreement regulates the technical requirements for the connection and transmission of data between CBOE and its customers.

CBOE`s connectivity services are designed to ensure a high level of reliability, security, and performance for its customers. The agreement outlines the rules and procedures for accessing CBOE`s trading platform, including data transmission and communication protocols, as well as technical requirements for software and hardware.

The agreement includes various provisions related to the use of CBOE`s trading platform, such as data feed subscriptions, order entry, trade reporting, and risk management. It also specifies the obligations of both CBOE and its customers regarding system availability, uptime, maintenance, and support.

One of the critical features of the CBOE Connectivity Services Agreement is the requirement for customers to comply with CBOE`s security policies. CBOE`s security policies are designed to protect the integrity and confidentiality of its trading platform and participants` data. Customers must ensure that their systems meet the necessary security requirements and implement appropriate security measures to protect their connection to CBOE.

Another key provision of the agreement is the requirement for customers to have adequate disaster recovery and business continuity plans in place. The CBOE requires customers to have these plans to ensure that they can continue to trade in the event of a system outage or other disruptive event.

In conclusion, the CBOE Connectivity Services Agreement is a critical component of CBOE`s trading platform. It outlines the technical requirements for the connection and transmission of data between CBOE and its customers, including the rules and procedures for accessing CBOE`s trading platform. Compliance with the agreement`s provisions is essential for customers to ensure the reliability, security, and performance of their connection to CBOE.