Cupe 2745 Collective Agreement 2018


The CUPE 2745 Collective Agreement 2018: All You Need to Know

The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) has recently released the 2018 collective agreement for its members employed by the County of Simcoe. The agreement covers a wide range of issues, including wages, benefits, and working conditions.

Here is a breakdown of the noteworthy provisions of the CUPE 2745 collective agreement for 2018:

Wages and Salary Increases

Under the new collective agreement, employees will receive a 1.75% wage increase in each of the first two years. In the third year, the wage increase will be 2%. This means that employees will receive an overall increase of 5.5% during the three-year term of the agreement.

Vacation and Holidays

The new collective agreement also provides for an increase in vacation time for employees with over five years of service. Employees with five to ten years of service will now be entitled to four weeks of vacation per year, while those with ten or more years of service will receive five weeks of vacation per year.

In addition, employees will now be entitled to a paid day off on Louis Riel Day, which is designated as a statutory holiday in Manitoba.

Sick Leave and Benefits

The sick leave provisions of the collective agreement have been updated to reflect changes in the Employment Standards Act. Employees will now be entitled to three unpaid sick days per year, with unused days carried over into the next year, up to a maximum of nine days.

The agreement also provides for improvements to the benefits package for employees, including an increase in the life insurance benefit and the addition of long-term disability coverage.

Workplace Policies and Procedures

The collective agreement also includes provisions related to workplace policies and procedures. This includes the creation of a joint labour-management committee to address workplace issues, as well as the establishment of a process for resolving disputes between employees and management.

Overall, the new CUPE 2745 collective agreement for 2018 provides a number of important improvements for the County of Simcoe employees. With wage increases, improved vacation time and benefits, and updated workplace policies and procedures, this collective agreement is sure to be welcomed by CUPE 2745 members.