Example of Rule 2 in Subject Verb Agreement


Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of English grammar, as it helps convey a clear, concise and meaningful message. It is a rule that states that the subject and verb of a sentence must agree in number. In other words, they must match in singular or plural form. This rule helps avoid confusion, ambiguity, and errors in communication.

One essential rule of subject-verb agreement is Rule 2, which states that if two subjects are connected by “and,” the verb should be plural. Let us look at some examples of this rule:

Example 1: John and Sarah are going to the party.

In this example, “John” and “Sarah” are the subjects of the sentence, connected by “and.” Therefore, the verb “are” is plural, agreeing with the two subjects.

Example 2: The cat and the dog always fight over the food.

In this example, “the cat” and “the dog” are the subjects, joined by “and.” The verb “always fight” is plural, agreeing with the subjects.

Example 3: The teacher and the principal is attending the meeting.

In this example, we have a common mistake that violates Rule 2. The subjects “the teacher” and “the principal” are connected by “and,” but the verb “is attending” is singular. The correct form of the sentence is, “The teacher and the principal are attending the meeting.”

Example 4: The pizza and the salad was delicious.

In this example, the subjects “the pizza” and “the salad” are connected by “and,” but the verb “was” is singular. The correct form of the sentence is, “The pizza and the salad were delicious.”

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of writing. The Rule 2 of subject-verb agreement states that if two subjects are connected by “and,” the verb should be plural. By following this rule, we can avoid any confusion and ensure that our sentences convey the intended message accurately.